Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sketches Graffiti Alphabet B

Examples of some of the sketches graffiti alphabet B in the paper. Maybe you can use it to simply look for the style of graffiti letter B. The following six B style graffiti letters different:

 Graffiti Alphabet B3D sketch graffiti letter B

 Graffiti Alphabet LettersGraffiti sketch letter B with color sketch letter B with a green border

graffiti alphabetsSketch graffiti alphabet B with bright colors
Sketches in black and white graffiti alphabet B

3D graffiti B
3D sketches in black and white graffiti alphabet B

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Wufc - Writers United

SDK - Stealing Dealing Killing

Smurf graffiti


Sazer graffiti

Mpl graffiti

Graffiti Alphabet in Used Tins

Example of making graffiti alphabet in used tins. Graffiti to the bolts in order not to disturb any origin. Other than graffiti on a wall can also be made in tin cans as above. More creative when making the decorations. Able to sell and make money. Maybe I'll do it someday. New Graffiti


HAHA Graffiti


Tang graffiti


Rush crew graffiti on trains

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


MLF graffiti
Men Liberation Front graffiti

Works Of Art Such As Graffiti Alphabet Letters
A design alphabets driftwood on the wall of the Copper Creek Inn, near Ashford, This is not a photo az graffiti alphabet, but works of art from driftwood cool alphabet taped on the wall.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bubble Graffiti: Purple Bubble Graffiti Alphabet

Alphabet in bubble graffiti lettersAlphabet in bubble graffiti letters
Bubble graffitiBubble graffiti
Purple bubble alphabet graffiti on the wall store. Graffiti dominant with cool purple color. Graffiti street art.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Graffiti Sketches of Black and White with Yellow Shadow

4 samples designs wildstyle graffiti alphabet style. Graffiti sketches of black and white with a yellow shadow.
Graffiti sketches

With examples of graffiti sketches above, you can create graffiti art beautifully.


Avant de prendre votre train, en faites vous vraiment le tour et quand vous constatez des graffs sur votre rame, vous faites quoi ? La suite sur le forum de ... et les réactions sur le forum de

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Cartoon Characters

Graffiti alphabet a to z with the design style of cartoon characters. As an example to write their name on the graffiti wall murals.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Graffiti Romania Christmas Tram

Graffiti Christmas Tram in Timisoara, Romania. graffiti painted by Karm, Jones and Moon Patrol.
Graffiti art mural

Graffiti Alphabet in Tram

Graffiti Cartoon Characters

New graffiti saying merry christmas and new year

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Red Graffiti Sketches

5 design sketches graffiti alphabet with a red pen. Graffiti with a different style cool
Graffiti sketch of a red pen on paper
Graffiti Sketches

Art is beautiful, like a sketch graffiti in red above. See also blue graffiti sketches